Amateur Radio License Testing
Saturday January 8, 2022 at 10:00 AM

This Session produced Two Upgrades to General and One Upgrade to Amateur Extra

The St. Cloud Amateur Radio Club will be hosting Amateur Radio License Testing on Saturday, January 8, 2022 at our Clubhouse administered via LAUREL VEC.

Pre-registration is preferred in order to reserve your spot. Walk-ins are permitted.

Click Here to Pre-register

Once you have completed Pre-Registration, you will be contacted via Phone for any additional information needed, and to confirm your spot.

Now is the time to start studying, pass your License Test, and become a Ham! Or, maybe it’s time to upgrade to General or Extra class.

Where is the Clubhouse?

401 4th St North,
Waite Park, MN 56387

December General Meeting Get-Together 12/16/21

A Great Time Was Had By All!!!

This month’s General Meeting is on Thursday, December 16, 2021 @ 7:00 PM. We will not have a “Normal” General Meeting, but instead we will be having a “Get Together” Meeting to celebrate the Holidays.

We will have snacks and refreshments provided by the Club, and you may also bring something to share with the group.

Come Join us to celebrate, and talk all things Ham Radio!!

Amateur Radio License Testing
Saturday December 11, 2021 at 10:00 AM

Another Awesome LAUREL Testing Session!!
Five People Tested resulting in Three New Technicians
and Two Upgrades to General.

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The St. Cloud Amateur Radio Club will be hosting Amateur Radio License Testing on Saturday, December 11, 2021 at our Clubhouse administered via LAUREL VEC.

Pre-registration is preferred in order to reserve your spot. Walkins are permitted.

Click Here to Pre-Register

Once you have completed Pre-Registration, you will be contacted via Phone for any additional information needed, and to confirm your spot.

Now is the time to start studying, pass your License Test, and become a Ham! Or, maybe it’s time to upgrade to General or Extra class.

Where is the Clubhouse?

401 4th St North,
Waite Park, MN 56387

Central MN Emergency Communications
Welfare Net Returns 11/26/2021 @ 7:00 PM

On March 17, 2020, The St. Cloud Amateur Radio Club started the Central MN Emergency Communications Welfare Net on our 147.015 Emergency Communications Repeater. Our goal was simple — to check on the current Welfare and Emergency needs of Anyone within reach of the repeater. For the most part, everyone was fine, but we did have a few issues where SCARC was able to provide assistance We ran that net for 501 consecutive days with over 9000 Check-Ins. After 501 days, we felt that the “climate” had healed itself a bit, and that the Net was no longer needed.

But, in these current unsettled times, we see the need again. Starting, tonight 11/26/2021 @ 7:00 PM, we will start it up again on a daily basis. Please join us to simply let us know if you are doing Ok, and if you have any Emergency Needs that we may be able to assist with.

Amateur Radio License Testing
Saturday November 27, 2021 at 10:00 AM

The St. Cloud Amateur Radio Club will be hosting Amateur Radio License Testing on Saturday, November 27, 2021 at our Clubhouse administered via LAUREL VEC.

Pre-registration is preferred in order to reserve your spot. Walkins are permitted.

Click Here to Pre-Register

Once you have completed Pre-Registration, you will be contacted via Phone for any additional information needed, and to confirm your spot.

Now is the time to start studying, pass your License Test, and become a Ham! Or, maybe it’s time to upgrade to General or Extra class.

Where is the Clubhouse?

401 4th St North,
Waite Park, MN 56387