The three quarter million or so people in the US, and 3 million total people world-wide, who call themselves Amateur Radio Operators, or Hams, are part of a global fraternity. Radio amateurs serve the public as a voluntary, noncommercial, communication service. This is especially true during natural disasters, or other emergencies. In addition, hams continue to make important contributions to the local community, without consideration of any type of payment.
The organization known as The St. Cloud Amateur Radio Club fulfills the needs and goodwill of the general public in the field of communications in time of natural disasters, such as in tornadoes, floods, earthquakes, and at the time of any other emergency that may occur.
This club teaches the young, the old, and the handicapped how to be radio operators, and how to obtain their amateur radio licenses. This will be done at our club house, in the schools of the community, and anywhere that we are invited.
The club is highly involved in Emergency Communications through our ARES EMCOMM Program. With the help of all the club’s members, we are able to help the National Weather Service in Stearns and Benton Counties with early detection of severe weather in order to help get the warnings out to the public in plenty of time. We also work with Served Agencies in time of Emergency Need to provide Emergency Communications via Worldwide RF.
In general the St. Cloud Amateur Radio Club is a highly motivated club that serves the needs and goodwill of the community, and the general public.