About 40 people attended to have a Good Time, Elect the Executive Board, win some Awesome Prizes, and talk about all things Ham Radio.
The newly elected Executive Committee consists of:
President – Randy Welsand, WJ0L
Vice President – Jim Schmidt, KE0BEH
Secretary – Jay Blomquist, KE0OGD
Treasurer – Kay Welsand, KB0CEF
This Year’s W0SV Seasonal Gathering will be held at El Loro in Sauk Rapids.
415 N Benton Drive, Sauk Rapids, MN 56379
Come join us on November 18, 2021. All St. Cloud Amateur Radio Club Members, Family, & Guests are Welcome at The Seasonal Gathering.
Happy Hour starts at 4:00 PM, we will eat around 6:00 PM, and the General Meeting will follow.
At this meeting we will elect the St. Cloud Amateur Radio Club Executive Board for the next two years.
There will also be a whole host of Door Prizes given away for our current members.
Hope to see you all there!!!