W0SV Emergency Services Welfare Net

Starting tonight, 03/17/20 at 7:00 pm, W0SV, The St. Cloud Amateur Radio Club, will institute a Daily Welfare Net on the W0SV Emergency Services Repeater – 147.015, Tone 100.0. The W0SV Emergency Services Repeater is currently monitored 24 hours a day for any emergency traffic.
It is our intention to check on the Welfare of Our Members, The Central Minnesota Regional Hospital Coalition, and Anyone that may need assistance during the current situation. If emergency assistance is needed by Anyone, we will do our very best to make any arrangements necessary. For the foreseeable future, we will meet via this net every night at 7:00 pm for any emergency traffic.

The format of this net will be as follows: we will call for checkins to the net, and then immediately ask for your status before the next checkin. One checkin at a time. There will be no Stand Downs at the end of the net, although we ask that you continue to listen for any announcements.

We encourage everyone to follow the suggested guidelines to maintain their health and welfare as we all work through the current issues.