Club News

W0SV POTA Activation
(Parks On The Air)
Saturday May 20, 2023 at Noon

Another Awesome POTA Activation!!! Chef Randy did the cooking on the grill, and the rest did the cooking on the air!

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Saturday, May 20, 2023, we will be travelling to Crane Meadows Wildlife Refuge in Royalton to do a POTA Activation (Parks On The Air).

We are meeting at the Clubhouse @ Noon to get our gear together. Then we will make the drive to Crane Meadows and set up there.

If you would just like to ride along, we will find room for you depending on how many show up.

OR —

If you would prefer to just meet us there around 10:00 am, see the map below.

Amateur Radio License Testing
Saturday April 8, 2023 at 10:00 AM

The St. Cloud Amateur Radio Club will be hosting No Charge Amateur Radio License Testing on Saturday, April 8, 2023, starting 10:00 AM at our Clubhouse administered via LAUREL VEC.

Pre-registration is preferred in order to reserve your spot. Walk-ins are permitted.

Click Here to Pre-register for the April 8, 2023 Test Session

Once you have completed Pre-Registration, you will be contacted via Phone for any additional information needed, and to confirm your spot.

Now is the time to start studying, pass your License Test, and become a Ham! Or, maybe it’s time to upgrade to General or Extra class.

Where is the Clubhouse?

401 4th St North,
Waite Park, MN 56387

St. Cloud Amateur Radio Club General Class License Training

W0SV General Class License Training Registration

This is a 12 Week Class that will be conducted at our Clubhouse located @ 401, 4th St. N, Waite Park, MN. The Classes Start on Monday March 6th @ 7 PM and continue every Monday for the next 11 Weeks. After the conclusion of the 12 Week Training sessions, we will provide Free LAUREL Testing.

Click HERE to Register

Where is the Clubhouse?

General Class License Training

Amateur Radio License Testing
Saturday February 18, 2023 at 10:00 AM

The St. Cloud Amateur Radio Club will be hosting No Charge Amateur Radio License Testing on Saturday, February 18, 2023, starting 10:00 AM at our Hamfest located at The St. Cloud National Guard Armory and administered via LAUREL VEC.

Pre-registration is preferred in order to reserve your spot. Walk-ins are permitted.

Click Here to Pre-register for the February 18, 2023 Test Session

Once you have completed Pre-Registration, you will be contacted via Phone for any additional information needed, and to confirm your spot.

Now is the time to start studying, pass your License Test, and become a Ham! Or, maybe it’s time to upgrade to General or Extra class.

Where is the St. Cloud National Guard Armory?

1710 Veterans Dr, St Cloud, MN 56303

Amateur Radio License Testing
Saturday January 21, 2023 at 10:00 AM

VE Testing

The St. Cloud Amateur Radio Club will be hosting Amateur Radio License Testing on Saturday January 21, 2023 starting at 10:00 AM at our Clubhouse.

The cost to test is $15.00. Re-test of the same class exam is an additional $15.00. If you pass an exam, the next class license exam is no charge. You MUST have an FRN to test. For more info call 320-333-7431. Please Leave A Message.

Now is the time to start studying, pass your License Test, and become a Ham! Or, maybe it’s time to upgrade to General or Extra class.

The St. Cloud Amateur Radio Club fulfills the needs and goodwill of the general public in the field of communications in time of natural disasters, such as in tornadoes, floods, earthquakes, and at the time of any other emergency that may occur. We also help with various events around the area providing radio support and manpower. Being a Ham is an incredibly fun and rewarding hobby. When you pass your Technician Test, you will receive your first year’s membership in the Club. That way, we can get to know you and help you get started in the Hobby. Join us and start a new adventure in Fun, Fellowship, and Community.

Please feel free to Contact W0SV with any questions.

Where is the Clubhouse?

401 4th St North,
Waite Park, MN 56387